Depending on the ranges offered by Carrera, you have the possibility to play from 2 to 6 players when consulting the summary table of the catalog. But, no way! We will see why later.
Reminder of the summary table at the beginning of the Carrera catalog.
- First : 2 drivers
- GO!!! : 2 drivers
- GO!!!+ : 2 drivers
- Digital 143 : 3 drivers
- Evolution : 2 drivers
- Digital 132 : 6 drivers
- Digital 124 : 4 drivers
We group together certain ranges, the First, the GO!!! and GO!!!+. A 2-lane track, one lane per car, the calculation is quickly done.
The case of digital, D143, D132 and D124, on a 2-lane track, this Digital technology allows 3, 6 and 4 to run simultaneously respectively.
At first glance, it seems strange that the D132 and D124 cannot support the same number of vehicles simultaneously on the track. However, all the elements of the track are identical, track, starting rail, controllers and accessories. The explanation is that the D124 vehicles require more electrical current and therefore, the power supply is only able to provide current for 4 D124 cars and therefore 6 D132.
The case of the Evolution range. A basic box can actually manage 2 cars because 2 lanes. Carrera therefore indicates 2 players for this range. I think this is a mistake, because if we look closely, it is FALSE!
Explanations: If we look at the accessories for the Evolution range, we find the reference 20010115 a kit of 2 wireless controllers with starting base for the Evolution. Starting point to extend the circuit, we then discover the reference 20010118, Wireless controllers sets for track extensions (+2) for Evolution.
It is thus possible to be able to pass its EVOLUTION circuit from 2 to 4 tracks. I am not talking about 2 circuits side by side but rather a circuit making only one, a homogeneous whole. Thus we can say that the Evolution range, allows to play with 8 pilots.
The number of lanes
If in the straights you can widen almost indefinitely, however, in the bends it is not the same story, you have to have compatible curves. The curve synthesis diagram of the Carrera catalog shows us that there are 4 types of curve radii for 1/24° tracks. We can therefore see that there is a consistency with what the Evolution extensions offer (4 lanes).
Let’s now move on to the Digital 132 and 124
There is an accessory that allows you to increase the width of the track on the starting grid, reference 20030370 (Multistart lane / track increase – 4 to 8 lanes)
We must not forget that the digital range (track 124) offers digital Chicane (ref: 20030351 and 20030350) which allow to widen or narrow the track on its layout.
Here we are with an 8-lane wide track. However, why offer an 8-lane track when we can only manage 4 or 6 cars! It’s still strange!
Ghost player.
Let’s now take a look at the ghost mode which allows you to simulate an additional player.
Three ranges are concerned by the ghost mode, let’s start with the GO!!!+.
The GO!!!+ allows you to play with two people but thanks to the ghost mode, it is possible to race alone against yourself! So you can do races with 1 to 2 players.
The digital 132 and 124 are also equipped with the ghost mode. But unlike the GO!!!+ which offers to go from 1 to 2 cars on the track, for the digital track version you can simulate any players. As long as you have a controller and a car you can make it become a ghost.
- D132: A race can be done from 1 to 5 players for 2 to 6 cars racing on the track.
- D124: A race can be done from 1 to 3 players for 2 to 4 cars racing on the track.
Let’s complete our summary of the number of players for these new elements:
- First : 2 drivers
- GO!!! : 2 drivers
- GO!!!+ : 2 pilots including a possible ghost
- Digital 143 : 3 drivers
- Evolution : 2 Drivers expandable to 8 drivers
- Digital 132 : 6 pilots including a possible ghost
- Digital 124 : 4 pilots including a possible ghost
It is the Evolution range that finally allows to make a track with the most cars. This range which however, has nothing extraordinary technically but its simplicity allows it this nice advantage.
Here are the assembly visuals of the Evolution and Digital 132 and 124 extensions.